Hearing Services of Nashville

Happy middle-aged man at home outdoors on a terrace in the garden, relaxing, drinking morning coffee.

When you first think about hearing aids, you might compare them to glasses. Eyeglasses swiftly improve your eyesight, bringing back clear vision. Hearing aids, however, help enhance your ability to hear, but they don’t completely restore hearing to the way it used to be. Recognizing this essential difference is vital as you start to navigate the world of hearing aids. Establishing attainable goals will make the most of your progress and minimize disappointment, allowing you to maximize your time and effort.

What hearing aids can do

Hearing aids are exceptionally state-of-the-art tools created to increase sound levels, improving the ability to hear in different locations. By boosting quiet sounds and reducing listening fatigue, they can greatly enhance the quality of your communications and total auditory experience. Thanks to modern technology, hearing aids are now capable of automatically adapting to various listening situations, demonstrating an increased level of intelligence.

Although they aren’t perfect, hearing aids can enhance your hearing ability. Yet, they are not able to fully recover normal hearing, particularly in challenging listening settings like noisy restaurants. Understanding what hearing aids can and can not do will help you manage your expectations.

What are the limitations of hearing aids?

Compared to glasses that provide an immediate fix for vision problems, hearing aids have limitations. They amplify sound but don’t filter out ambient noise perfectly, so it might still be difficult to follow conversations in busy places like restaurants. Also, if your hearing loss is severe or caused by damage to the inner ear, hearing aids might not be as effective as they are for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Just because they have limitations doesn’t mean hearing aids aren’t useful, because they are. You might still need to focus extra hard on what others are saying or ask them to clarify their words in some situations, even with better hearing. Gradually, you’ll learn how to adjust to your hearing aids and maximize their advantages.

How hearing specialists make sure hearing aids are working

During the hearing aid fitting process, your audiologist plays a crucial part in making sure that the devices are correctly configured and tailored to your particular requirements.
They will carry out tests to determine how well your hearing aids amplify sound and calibrate them based on your hearing loss profile. In addition, they will guide you through customizing audio levels, navigating between different applications, and addressing minor technical problems.

If your hearing devices are not functioning correctly or causing discomfort, do not delay in returning to see your hearing care professional. You might need some fine-tuning once you start using them.

Routine maintenance and adjustment

Keeping your hearing aids in excellent condition is important for making sure they work efficiently. Routine cleaning, battery replacement (or charging if you have rechargeable aids), and safeguarding them from wetness and extreme temperatures will help increase their life.

Setting up a regular schedule for cleaning and storing hearing aids is beneficial for many individuals. This may include cleaning the devices every evening and putting them in a protective case when they are not being used.

Testing and follow-up visits

After your preliminary fitting, it’s important to have follow-up appointments to make sure your hearing aids are working well. Your audiologist will perform evaluations to confirm that the equipment is adjusted correctly and will make adjustments according to your input.

As your hearing changes, modifications to your hearing aids might be necessary.

When to get in touch with your hearing specialist

If you experience any of the following problems with your hearing aids, it’s recommended to contact your hearing specialist for support:

  • Unpleasant sensations
  • Impaired audio clarity
  • Trouble deciphering spoken words

The specialist is able to make any needed changes or correct any issues. Moreover, if there are changes in your hearing capacity, the specialist can identify if your hearing aids need reprogramming or if a different strategy would be better.

Set reasonable expectations

Using hearing aids is a journey, and establishing practical goals will help you get the most out of them. While hearing aids won’t completely restore your hearing, they can dramatically improve your ability to communicate and navigate your daily life.

By familiarizing yourself with what your devices can do, collaborating directly with your audiologist, and taking good care of your devices, you can improve your hearing quality.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
Why wait? You don't have to live with hearing loss. Call Us Today