Noise-induced hearing loss is very common. Your hearing can be permanently damaged if you spend a lot of time exposed to noise that is over 85 dB.
What is Noise-Related Hearing Loss?
This is a form of sensorineural hearing loss where hair cells inside of your inner ear are permanently damaged by noise.
Noise-induced hearing loss can be caused by long-term exposure to very high levels of noise, which causes a gradual decline of your hearing. It can also be caused by a single instance of a loud burst of sound that can immediately cause loss of hearing.
Over 17 percent of people between the ages of 20 and 69 have hearing loss that is a result of their recreational or work activities. Here are a few examples of noises that can cause hearing loss:
- Jet engines
- Construction equipment
- Loud volume on earphones
- Sirens
- Nearby fireworks
- Chainsaws
- Motorcycles
- Busy Traffic
Can it be Reversed?
Although scientists are making advancements, presently, there isn’t a cure for noise induced hearing loss. Some of the damage inside your ear could be the result of swelling so you need to talk to a doctor if you have been subjected to sudden loud noise. If you could decrease the inflammation you may be capable of reducing some lasting damage. The hair cells inside of your inner ear are responsible for transmitting waves of sound to your brain. If noise harms or destroys them, they are unable to regenerate. So once they’re gone, permanent hearing loss is the result. This is the reason why it is crucial that you take the required steps to protect your hearing, and if you’re exposed to a loud noise, that you consult a specialist right away.
Addressing The Problem With Research
There is currently no solution for this condition. However, scientists are searching for ways to restore noise-related hearing loss. There are clinical trials, for instance, that are trying to restore these hairs with an experimental drug. If scientists were capable of getting this drug to work, these hairs would be able to restore and we may be able to address noise and age related hearing loss.
What Hearing Remains Needs to be Protected
While hearing loss that is caused by noise can’t be restored (yet), you are able to take specific measures to avoid hearing loss or save the remaining hearing that you have. You can:
- If you work in an industry that has persistently loud noise, use the appropriate hearing protection
- Stay away from areas that continuously have loud noises
- Take routine hearing tests
- Limit your exposure to extremely noisy activities at home
- Manage any hearing loss you have with hearing aids
Actually, it’s best to avoid exposure to loud noise by wearing hearing protection and keeping the volume down on all your devices. Schedule a hearing test if you have been exposed to loud noise.